Why is everybody starting with “Why”?

by cherif

Why are the Virgin Atlantic stew­ard­esses wear­ing red high heeled shoes? Is it to bet­ter serve the fre­quent fly­ers of the now legendary air­line? It seems that even the legendary air­line has lost its com­pass. The page ref­er­en­cing the high heeled shoes has gone miss­ing! I have checked the Virgin web­site, I could not find it.

I will stick to one of my favour­ite songs instead, and hope that the ‘spark’ will not ignite.

Why is “Better serving our cus­tom­ers” a use­less mot­to?

Why is it almost impossible to please “some people most of the time”?

Why is it bet­ter to say “NO” than to try to explain why “YES” is bet­ter?

Why don’t chil­dren trust their par­ents?

I am told that this has a lot to do with the “for­tune cook­ie prin­ciple”.

It looks to me as if we are all chil­dren wait­ing for a good bed­time story.

We long for the story. We are taken by it. We seem to learn from it.

Then a new story comes along and we for­get.

Why are we not able to remem­ber our friends phone num­bers?

Is easy, easi­er, easi­est best for us?

cherifWhy is everybody starting with “Why”?